A thoughtful gift

Saturday, January 3, 2009

As the Christmas season rapidly approached and then passed by, I decided that I wanted to make the majority of the gifts I give next year. I then took it to another level and thought it would be fun to include birthdays in this as well.

My best friend's birthday is on Sunday (so I hope she doesn't see this before then) and I decided to make her matching reversible make-up/tote bags. They are not perfect by any means, but they are close.

I will most likely include little bottles of shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste, small soaps, tea light candles and a poof (you know those poofy shower things you wash yourself with) inside.

The entire project was fairly easy, was inexpensive, and was made from the heart. I used the tutorial from
this website. Overall the instructions were pretty clear (there was one part with sewing the zipper on that ended up backwards, but nothing a seam ripper couldn't fix)

I hope you like them Nikki and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!


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