A Peek Into My Pantry

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ok, as promised here are the pictures of my pantry, fridge/freezer and deep freeze.
I also went through everything and took inventory of the entire stockpile. It's really hard to tell, but the pantry shelves are really deep, I can put my entire arm into the pantry and just barely touch the back. I don't really like having such a narrow and deep pantry, but I will only have to deal with it for 4 more months :)

By the way, we dont eat a ton of cereal -- what you see here will last us for about a year. Cereal goes on sale a lot, but just this past week it hit the rock bottom price so I stocked up as much as I could. (If you watch the sales, cereal usually goes on sale for the rock bottom price about once a year)


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