California Kitchen Pizza Review

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I received a coupon for a free California Kitchen Pizza a couple weeks ago in the mail, but I wasn't able to use it until a couple days ago because it was only redeemable at Whole Foods. I finally made it out there and found where the pizza was in the store and ended up buying 2 pizzas because these pizzas are smaller than the average full size frozen pizza. (1 was free, the other was $2 off). The cashier happily packed my bag with ice and sent me on my way.

Once I got home, I unpacked the pizzas and was actually able to fit both onto a large cookie sheet (the instructions say to place directly onto the rack), they smelled wonderful! I cooked them for the indicated amount of time and let them cool, cut and served them. My love and I both had some of each pizza and we really liked both of them. They tasted very fresh, but different than any other pizza we've had.

We tried the Pesto Chicken and Oven Roasted Tomatoes and the Tomato, Basil & Mozzarella flavors. I liked the Pesto Chicken pizza better and my love liked the Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella pizza better. The one thing I thought was strange was that these 2 flavors did not have traditional pizza sauce on them, even though, they still tasted great.

The pizza retail for $6.99 at Whole Foods and are smaller than a regular pizza, even though they taste delicious, I probably wouldn't buy these again because they are pretty pricey for the size. I can make a larger pizza with fresh ingredients for less than what it costs to buy these.

Have you tried California Kitchen Pizza? What do you think of it?

I recently was able to try a California Kitchen Pizza free of charge from being a member of Kraft First Taste. The following is a review based solely on the opinions of Nick and I. We were not paid to write this review.


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