Coupon Organization Methods:Part 2 of 4
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The File System- This system is very good for the person who has the least amount of time to spend cutting and organizing their coupons. Reason being, you only cut the coupons you need!
This method works well if you read blogs or websites which give a thorough matchup of the sales with what coupons you need and which inserts they came in. After reading these sites, you should, in theory, be able to go straight to your box and easily find the coupons you need and cut only those out and be done.
The only materials you need to make this system work for you is a file box or cabinet (even a bankers box would work fine) and several hanging exterior file folders. You will want to make sure that you have a temporary labeling system for each file that can be easily changed, a post-it note would work well or even just a piece of paper taped to the top of the file.
This method is great for someone who is just starting out couponing because you do not spend an insane amount of time clipping and organizing coupons that you don't know how to really use yet! It minimizes the mess of stray coupons floating around and keeps them pretty well organized.
The drawbacks are pretty obvious to this method too though. If you constantly rely on someone else to find the deals for you, you inhibit yourself from really learning how to shop the sales and use coupons. Not one person will be able to tell you what the target prices are for what you should be buying for your family in your current stage of life.
You might miss some really great coupons if you don't really look through the ads! Also, when you don't cut them out, you have a harder time remembering what coupons you have since you didn't "handle" them.
One last point is that almost all stores run unadvertised deals and you won't have your coupons with you. (I'm not saying that you need to take advantage of every deal that you can, but the chances of you going all the way back home for a coupon are slim compared to just running out to the car)
Up next: The Couponizer
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