Menu Plans and updates

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Last week was a very long and emotionally exhausting week; It also brought my family closer together and has changed my perspective on some things for the better, more on that later though...

One positive thing is that my deep freezer is not broken. The outlet is a GFI type (the kind with the reset button in the middle) - but it doesn't look like it is. It is paired with another outlet on the other side of the patio that we don't use. Something happened, a power surge maybe, to trip the outlet and shut off the freezer.

So while we didn't lose everything in the freezer, we lost a lot. There is also ice that melted and settled in the bottom of the freezer that refroze, so it may end up staying there until its close to the time we move.

I have yet to get back into the groove of things, so I didn't go to the store yet - hopefully that will happen tomorrow, but I did get my menu plans for the week done though:

Waffles with homemade syrup

Macaroni and cheese
Chicken nuggets
Green beans

Slow cooker salsa chicken
Grilled Cheese
Italian Chicken
Fettuccine Alfredo

Granola Bars
Rice Cakes

Tomorrow I plan to go to the store to pick up a couple things we need - if for some reason I don't get there, I can tweak the menu and we could get through the week, but it will probably be a pretty boring week as far as food goes.

Longest week ever

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I can officially say that this feels like the longest week of my life.

My Grandfather passed away on Tuesday afternoon :( He was a great man who never had anything negative to say. He touched the lives of everyone who knew him and would do anything possible to help someone in need. I will miss him tremendously and I know that many others will too. I love you Grandpa!

On a completely different topic, I think my deep freezer stopped working sometime this week. I noticed last night when I went to get something out of it that the food wasn't as cold and there was water in the lid that poured onto the floor when I opened it... Hopefully it is still cold enough to save some of the stuff, otherwise I will be throwing away a lot of food.... talk about a reason to clear out the freezer before we move :/

Other things have happened this week as well but I don't want to keep dwelling on the negative. This is one of those times that I must remember to give my worries/grief to the Lord and remember that everything happens in his timing whether I understand the reasoning or not.

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