Longest week ever

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I can officially say that this feels like the longest week of my life.

My Grandfather passed away on Tuesday afternoon :( He was a great man who never had anything negative to say. He touched the lives of everyone who knew him and would do anything possible to help someone in need. I will miss him tremendously and I know that many others will too. I love you Grandpa!

On a completely different topic, I think my deep freezer stopped working sometime this week. I noticed last night when I went to get something out of it that the food wasn't as cold and there was water in the lid that poured onto the floor when I opened it... Hopefully it is still cold enough to save some of the stuff, otherwise I will be throwing away a lot of food.... talk about a reason to clear out the freezer before we move :/

Other things have happened this week as well but I don't want to keep dwelling on the negative. This is one of those times that I must remember to give my worries/grief to the Lord and remember that everything happens in his timing whether I understand the reasoning or not.


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