Coupon Organization Methods: Part 3 of 4
If you missed the previous parts of the series click on over to see part 1 and part 2
The Couponizer - This is a great coupon organizing system to use to help you from sorting them to holding them. I used this system for quite some time and I loved it! You are probably wondering why I stopped using it then….? Well, I just have too many coupons for it to hold! The system worked beautifully, I would sit down and quickly cut my coupons out and place them on the CoupStacker, then when I was done I could just transfer each pile from the Stacker to the corresponding pocket of the organizer. Before I would go shopping I would make sure my loyalty cards were in the front plastic card holders and slide it all in its carrying case and head off to the store!
There were only a couple negative things about this system: if you cut out tons of coupons, you will likely over fill the organizer to the point it might not shut anymore, and once you get to that point of having too many coupons, you realize that there are not enough sub-categories to quickly find your coupons anymore.
Aside from those 2 reasons, I would definitely recommend this product to every beginner and even those of you who use the File System (after you cut them out, put them in the Couponizer, even keep a few "maybe I can use these" coupons in there too so you don't miss the unadvertised sale on those new items you've been wanting to try!
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