House update

Friday, November 13, 2009

We moved everything in and have unpacked lots of boxes, and I still have no idea where anything is! The whole move went really smoothly, and I have yet to find anything broken.

Today I will be finalizing everything with the utility companies to make sure they have been transferred into our name and going to the post office to get our mail box keys. Later today I hope to go grocery shopping, if I can find my coupon box... and then unpack some more.

We will be laying sod down in the backyard this weekend with some family and friends that offered to help, and if we are lucky, we will be purchasing a washer & dryer. We won't have internet at the house until a couple days before Thanksgiving, so trying to find a set we like will be a challenge in itself!

Hopefully, I will be able to squirrel away some free time over the weekend and go to Panera, Starbucks or Chick-fil-a and use their wifi to catch up on some things. We will just have to see..

The amount posts over the next few days will probably be lacking - but the sooner I can get my world back to a functional state, the sooner things here will be on their regular schedule again.

While I am gone, feel free to check out A Full Cup. It is a site that is mostly forums and the community there has tons of great information to share, deals posted, links to some new coupons and more. You will likely find deals that I don't post (for different reasons) as well.

A Full Cup


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